
It's a new year and time once again to give a new look to this blog. New graphics and colors. Same bike writer!

This blog is created not only to track my own progress on my biking journey but it is intended to also assist others who have either osteo or rheumatoid arthritis or both like I do. I hope as you read about the progress I have made that it gives you inspiration and hope that you can overcome the dibilitating effects of these conditions.

If your doctor agrees that you should be capable of expanding your limits read on and don't be afraid, just listen to your body and give it challenges. Biking is a great non-impact form of exercise and greatly enhances flexibility and range of motion.

It's not a substitute for Doctor visits, taking your meds or otherwise getting off your health plan but it auguments what your Doctor does for you and can give you a better quality of life. Go for it!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day One

Day one, (well actually Day one was on 7-24-10 but I just now created the blog) bought my bike today! Wheels! I’m going to pedal my way to health. Rode around complex 4 times, down to the old firehall, on to peaberry’s looped around and down to the WLT, home again. Figure I have in about 3 miles today. Going to make a short term goal of 3 miles at least 3 times per week. Mid range goal is going to be 3 miles 5 times per week.

Long range goal is 7 mile ride 5 times a week. That was my ride pattern when I rode with regularity and it’s a good exercise regime, easily doable and uses up about a ½ hr a day in exercise and won’t burn you out. I should be able to get there in 4-6 weeks

I have both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis and strengthening the muscles in my weakest areas (my knees) is of utmost importance. Gaining flexibility and getting more limber is high on the list of desires.

Working around these conditions is going to require a bit more thought than just hopping on a bike and going just a bit farther each day. It'll be important to note the changes in my body and how this affects my knees and other body parts. For sure, so long as I don't start off pushing the limits on long rides immediately, this will have to be a big step in the right direction.

Other unpleasant side effects of aging and dealing with a debilitating illness are that my balance has become poorer over time and there is a tendency to feel more timid about movements that were quite routine just a few short years ago. I've also experienced pneumonia twice in less than a year and have had on and off difficulties catching my breath and getting winded very easily. After loads of testing I still am not convinced that this is not related to the rheumatoid arthritis. Time will tell and so will more tests.

I am committed to pedaling for better health and expect to see great results from these efforts, not to mention this will be a good way to shed extra pounds taken on since moving from a highly physical career to the sedentary environment of working in an office. It's been a real change since arthritis has come into my life, moving from golfing and water skiing on a daily basis combined with the long physically demanding work days of life in a resaturant into a life of feeling a bit incapacitated by not being able to do these things and slowly moving into a lifestyle of less and less activity. Time for a turnaround and hitting the two wheeled trail.

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