
It's a new year and time once again to give a new look to this blog. New graphics and colors. Same bike writer!

This blog is created not only to track my own progress on my biking journey but it is intended to also assist others who have either osteo or rheumatoid arthritis or both like I do. I hope as you read about the progress I have made that it gives you inspiration and hope that you can overcome the dibilitating effects of these conditions.

If your doctor agrees that you should be capable of expanding your limits read on and don't be afraid, just listen to your body and give it challenges. Biking is a great non-impact form of exercise and greatly enhances flexibility and range of motion.

It's not a substitute for Doctor visits, taking your meds or otherwise getting off your health plan but it auguments what your Doctor does for you and can give you a better quality of life. Go for it!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Riding season is over till Spring of 2011

Saturday November 20, 2010 Not a single ride since last week. I was tempted today because the sun was so strong but it was quite chilly. I'm thinking I have my winter fitness picked out. Here is a new training facility that offers spin classes and our High School has a pool with lap swimming. I just need to synch times with my exercise buddy.

I haven't had a Humira shot since June for my RA, dare I say that this is in remission right now?

I suppose I'll never know what the effects my fitness plan had on it.

I can spend some of the winter months researching new routes, parks and pathways and putting together a spring/summer fitness plan with goals and objectives. That actually sounds like fun!

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